Saturday, 2 April 2011

Patent Documents

Here is an example of a portion of the patent documents I submitted a few years back to both the Canadian Intellectual Patent Office as well as the United States Trademark and Patent Office. If anyone has any questions or comments on these documents please feel free to send an email. I'd be happy to offer any advice as well as receive any criticism on my methods. Lets share some ideas!

Field of Invention

  The transitional union and its primary method, allows for direct connection between plastic piping and copper piping while maintaining a simplistic fitting for installation. The present invention includes a female bronze or brass coupling portion with an immediate short section of threading followed by a smooth section to receive the alternate portion of the fitting inside the coupling. The alternate is comprised of a male plastic fitting; typically Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) which is received with the accompanying by means of an external threaded portion, preceded by an annular grooved section. The grooved section retains several removable o-ring seals which slightly deform when both fittings are assembled and the o-rings are pressed into the smooth portion of the aforementioned female bronze or brass fitting. The entire embodiment may have alternating bores which coincide with each appropriate piping material. The present invention is joined to the piping for which it is intended by means of solvent welding for the plastic portion and soldering or brazing for the bronze or brass portion.
    This embodiment counters issues with available joining technology by making the joint coupling serviceable, connected with minimal torque, allows for direct connection between the different material without the use of pipe joint compounds or additional thread sealant and can be done so within the immediate vicinity of the joint coupling."

 I'm having trouble with the legal speak for the current project. The utility patent was easy compared to the additional process patent. Good times ahead. I think the biggest hurdle anyone could have with submitting their own patent documents is following the rules of doing so. For example, the Canadian Method of Patent Office Publications has several obvious statements that are not entirely simple. An example of this is that the patent documents must be created in such a way that in can not be too obscure and also must be understood by a person of the applied field for which the art was created. A funny example of the MoPOP is that the art must be able to perform the task for which it was created. If I invent a flying car, it had better fly if a patent is going to be granted. Seems to be once again rather obvious, however, I've been told by the patent office that they do receive inventions that are denied patents status due to the fact that something created does not do the task for which it has been created for. Crazy stuff.

Well, back to work.


  1. I want to take this moment to say that I really love this blog. It has been a good resource of information for me. Thank you so much


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